Saturday, January 21, 2012

God still works miracles!

As I close my college career, with respect that my audit goes as planned, I have had some trouble making sure that all is well with my degee plan to insure that I can graduate. Back in my community college days I took a sophomore level psych class in which does not count as an upperlevel class here at at MSU. Because I could not get the Chair of Psychology to sign off on my course subsitituton for the same class, I needed to enroll in a new class for undergrads called Clinical Psychology. Clinical Psychology is a 4000 level class which means it requires more tedious prerequisites like, General Psych, Human Behavior and Abnormal Psychology. Fantastic, I had 2/3, but I had not taken Abnormal. I was very concerned about not having all three prereq's. During the process of obtaining all of the signatures I needed, I walked around campus for 2.5 hours searching for the right people, only to find out that I needed to find "so and so" in building A across campus, 4 doors from where I originally started. I knew that everything was going way too smoothly; Something had to go wrong. I walked across campus only to find that the people I needed signatures from had just left for lunch and would not be back for another 45 minutes. I was almost in tears. All I needed was to get into this class, otherwise I would still need another psych class to complete my minor and Tim was quickly running out!
I was frustrated beyond belief. I thought some retail therapy would truly help me relax and find some structure to the chaos I was living.Around 1:15pm I headed back to the MSU Psychology department. I notice the secretary was still not in, oh but wait, the Chair's office is open and there's people in there! With the knowledge that I did not have Abornal Psychology, I wad very nervous that this Professor and Chair was not going to allow me to enroll. I desperately needed this class to graduate. Nervously I walked toward the laughter coming from the office, and saw an office full of professorsand grad students. They excused themselves so that I could speak with the Chair. He was shocked that I wanted into this class, at the time when they opened the class they expected very low enrollment. He took my add/drop submission form, signed his name and just below that wrote, "ok if no prereq's."
I was in shock! I had not mentioned that I didn't have Abnormal. How did he know?! This was a sign from God letting me know that he has my life in His hands. No matter what I need, He will supply. Going into this semester I was scared, but now that I know God is with me, standing by mt side, I can make my ( potentially) last semester the best semester ever! I won't say I'm am a graduating senior just yet, but I will say that I can see the light from a very long and dark tunnel! Thank you God for reminding me of who you are and what you can do!

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