Thursday, April 4, 2013

My heart was stolen and I DON'T want it back!

     I'm feeling a little uncharacteristically blue today so I thought I'd {try to} write something more on the light-hearted side.

     This is the story about how my heart was stolen. As many people know, for a while now I have claimed that I am not terribly interested in marriage {not for a while anyway}, nor does the sound of little feet interest me. In fact, the thought of those individually scare me to death, and the thought of them together- oh, no! That's just terrifying! I would make an acceptable mother {depending on the day}, and a fantastic wife, but Lord knows I am not ready to give up my freedom, yet!!!

     Once upon a time a boy and a girl got married. They were good together. They balanced one another and made each other whole. {Oh, look how sweet...}

They sealed the deal with a kiss,
  and life began from here!
Now, not too far into their marital bliss a miraculous event took place and Jen went form this:
to this:
to this

For nine long months Jen baked a baby. She grew and she grew, but she wasn't sure what kind of baby she was making. Jen and Ryan, being the meanies they are decided not to find out if they would be having a he or a she. I had my bets placed on either an alien, or twins {Thinking of it now, I should have placed money on an alien!}.
 On April 18, 2012, I woke up and knew that Jen would be having the baby soon. My Dad called the night before and said Jen would be going into the hospital but it didn't look like she would have IT until later the next day. I went to bed so EXCITED!!!I knew my car needed an oil change and my apartment needed to be cleaned, so I took my sweet time and cleaned the place. I, too, was covered in dust, so I took a shower and finished dressing when I received a call around noon. "Hey, Jen's at a 2, don't get in a hurry, it'll be a while."
So, in my lack of haste I finished packing my clothes, and ventured to Wal-Mart (I should have know it would take forever). After 10 minutes of being there I get a call saying, "Well, she's progressed a little faster than expected get here when you can, we just want you to be aware." OK, not a big deal. I can get there fairly quick.I should say, if I had my way I could get their fairly quick, but I was on Wal-Mart time. Apparently it needed to take an hour and a half to get in and out of there. It is now two-o'clock in the afternoon and I have yet to leave Wichita Falls, Texas. It's a two-hour drive to Rhome, a three-hour drive to Fort Worth, with some traffic.
At this point, I'm running with recklessness to get anywhere. I/m outside of Jolly and Dad calls to say, "Jen is at a 5, you need to hurry up". Recklessness has just become some sort of power boost and I suddenly become invincible. I'm aware of my speed, at which I'm going somewhere around 72-77 mph, and we'll leave it at that. The speed limit is 70 and just as I approach Bellevue, Sir Cops-A-Lot decides he was going to do his job. A state trooper thought I was going above the desired speed and asks for my license and insurance. I know I have my license and I look for my insurance and low and behold I needed an updated card. At this point I'm frazzled and scared and he asks what the problem is. I tell him that my sister has just been admitted to the hospital and I needed to get to Ft. Worth as fast as I could. So he preceded to ask where is she at and what is her name.
I then tell him, "she's at Harris hospital and her name is Jennifer Parker".
 He leaves and then it hits me, no she's not and that's not her name! She was at the neighboring hospital and her name is now Jennifer Ray. I'm panicking!
"Well, ma'am, you're in luck because I suddenly have no tower here and I can't call out. I normally call the hospital and just check to verify your situation but I couldn't today. Slow down and be careful. I hope your sister and the baby are fine, we don't need both of you in the hospital."
WHEW! I slid past that one. Thank you Jesus! At that point I set my speedometer at 70 and decide if that baby is born before I get there, that's fine!
Six o'clock comes around and I pull into the parking garage. I race to Labor and Delivery just to find out that she's still at a 5! OK, no big deal. I was there for a couple of hours and things finally happen, we have a BABY!!! We hear crying, from all involved, but have not heard if i was to be an aunt or an uncle.
As we were waiting this is what ws going on outside of the delivery:

Finally we hear laughter. Ryan came out of the delivery room:
and informed us we had a baby GIRL!!!
I was given the best gift in the world, and her name was Hannah Parker Ray. I'm glad she was a girl because I would have made a terrible uncle. This is the first person to ever steal my heart! I don't ever want it back. She's my Babe, and I'm her Auntie A / Aunt White Chocolate!

She's the GREATEST thing in the world!!! Love my, Babe!


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